Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Keeping Your New Year's Resolutions

I know it's actually been a long time since New Year's and may seem like you can just abandon all of your resolutions. But I'm here to tell you- THAT'S NOT TRUE! Below I put together some ways to stay with your resolutions, but still have time for other activities. So let's get started and I hope you enjoy! :)

1) Keep a Schedule~ This is very important to making sure you stay on track. I would suggest setting aside a few minutes for your resolution, whether it's just planning how you're going to do it or actually doing it. If it's something to do with fitness or reading or eating healthier or whatever it is, either reevaluate how long you spend doing it or decide how you are going to make it work. You must find a way to fit your resolution into your schedule!

2) Do NOT Procrastinate~ I cannot stress to you enough how important it is to keep up with your resolutions. If you decide one day you just don't want to do it, it will become easier to decide you don't want to do it again the next time. Your resolutions should become a habit, not a choice.

3) Get Your Priorities Straight~ This is very hard for me considering how much I love TV and I would so much rather spend my time watching shows than getting up and doing something productive. But listen to me, you can do both. Set aside a little time each day or week for your resolutions and you will still have time to do everything you love to do!

4) Only Have 1 or 2 Resolutions~ Now I am guilty of having like 1 billion resolutions, but choose the ones that are the most practical and you will actually do. So if you have a list as of right now that looks a little overwhelming, narrow down that list and choose maybe 1 or 2 that are really your goals and you really want to do. Because it's only February and it hasn't been THAT long since New Year's. So pick the one's you know you will do and stick with throughout the rest of the year.

I hope this was helpful and comment below what you want to see more of and be sure to check out my blog for more.

Your Resolution Guide,
                         Life Necessities 101

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