Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Writing a Paper 101: Writing a Paper in 8 easy Steps!

Write now in my English class, I am writing a research paper and this process can be a little overwhelming, especially for people who don't like to write, but also for people who do, like myself.
This process takes a lot of time and dedication so let's make a list of all the steps and how to accomplish each of these.

Step 1: The first step is to simply get an idea of what you want to write. If you have a given prompt, decide your views on the subject, no details just the simple idea to get you started.

Step 2: Make a diagram or list. For some people, like me, venn diagrams are too complicated and messy and confusing. So for me it's easiest to just make a list of my 3 (or more) main views and work on details from there- I like this way because it's organized and easiest to read and understand. At this point, there should be no sentences formed or any type of sentence structure. Just you main point, points off that point (details), and details of the details

Hint: If you are looking on websites be sure to write them down as you go. You don't want to plagiarize or have to retrace your tracks back to where you were!

Note: before this next step some people like to make another chart and add even more detail and start to put together sentences. I prefer to simply jump to the next step, but if you want to make another chart, go right on ahead.

Step 3: Make an outline. This is probably my favorite part of the writing process because at this stage you are making your details into an even neater list and they still don't have to be in complete sentences! I actually recommend not putting them into complete sentences or you will be more likely to plagiarize, but this way you can just see what you are trying to say, but not worry about making it sound good.

Step 4: Write a Rough Draft. This step is often times overthought. By this step they should be in paragraph form and in complete sentences, but you don't have to worry about commas and grammar and wording and using "smart words" ,as our English teacher always says, until the next step. So just focus on getting your overall points out and details the best you can.

Step 5: Revise and Edit your Rough Draft. This part can be a little more challenging. Read through your rough draft with a red pen, if you choose, and look for spelling errors, extra or missing commas, run on sentences, fragments, the list goes on and on. You may want to use a thesaurus to help you find better words and to make sure you aren't plagiarizing anyone else's work. For the best list of things to look for and ways to proofread with tips and tricks click here.

Step 6: After this step, I usually make another copy of the edited rough draft and then edit it again, the more you edit, the better your paper becomes. So really you can repeat this step over and over again.

Step 7: Make a list of all of the websites used and people you owe credit to. Then place this information in a works cited form and be sure to place your in text citations at the end of your paragraphs.

Step 8: Make a Final Draft! The last step in this process is to simply copy down everything and place all of your information and final edited rough draft into the final copy! What a joy! :)

I hope you found this helpful and you can use this for future reference!

Your Fellow Writer,
                  Life Necessities 101

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